Your Local Regional Extension Center Can Help

Regional Extension Centers (RECs) are located in every region of the country to help health care providers select, implement, and become adept and meaningful users of electronic health records (EHR). RECs often provide on-site EHR implementation training, as well as training resources and advice. Contact your local REC to find out if you are eligible for free or reduced-price local EHR implementation support.

Leverage Your Vendor for EHR Implementation Training

Your vendor can also provide EHR implementation training. Your vendor will know the EHR product and can provide intensive EHR implementation training on the functionalities and structure of your EHR system. Be sure to ask for information about training models and define the amount of implementation support you expect your vendor to provide when selecting an EHR system.

You can leverage vendor EHR implementation training to create a group of "super users." Super users are staff members trained to move through the EHR system quickly and can share helpful hints, tips, and techniques. Your core group of EHR supers users can provide internal training to office staff and clinicians. Super user training is a crucial component of an EHR training plan, because super users combine specialized EHR training with training on how the EHR will be used in your organization for your specific workflow and patient population.1

For More Information

For more information on EHR implementation training, see the following resources.


  1. California HealthCare Foundation. "Training Strategies: EHR Deployment Techniques." [PDF - 510 KB]