
2022 American Hospital Association Health Information Technology Supplement.


Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. ‘Hospital Adoption of Real-Time Benefit Tools,’ Health IT Quick Stat #67.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have required Medicare Part D plans to support a prescriber real time benefit tool since January 2021. The use of RTBTs is intended to inform prescribers when lower-cost alternative therapies are available under a patient’s prescription drug insurance benefit, which can improve medication adherence, lower prescription drug costs, and minimize beneficiary out-of-pocket costs.

Percent of hospitals with EHRs that integrate health insurer real-time prescription benefit information.

  Percent of non-Federal, acute care hospitals with EHRs that integrate health insurer real-time prescription benefit information.
Yes, for all or almost all payers 50.2%
Yes, for a limited set of payers 15.9%
No 16.9%
Do not know 16.9%


2022 AHA IT Supplement data include responses from 2,397 non-Federal acute care hospitals. Responses were weighted to reflect the distribution of hospital characteristics in the AHA Annual Survey. Inverse probability weights were then calculated based on the hospital size, region of the country, ownership type (for-profit, government, non-profit), teaching status, multihospital system membership status, urban or rural location, and the presence of a cardiac intensive care unit.